Dance found me in a strange way


When I was little I didnt really dance. Nor was I an atletic person. Even less I was interested in physical activities.
At school for example, during soccer I choose to be the goalkeeper, just because I didn't have to run around. That was my level of engagement with me and my physical body.

And so life got on and on. Until one day I was on a self improvement workshop and I saw a recording of 5R. It was a video and we danced along. Something was seeded there.

And so life got on again. Until a dear friend send me an email with all what was needed to know about dancing in my city. And surprisingly I went. When the student is ready, not only the teacher will show, but circumstances will aggregate to push you into it. It couldn't have been differently.

So I started the 5R adventure, and I started to dance. So life got on dancing again.

Along the way out of 5R Movement Medicine was born. And I danced along the edge of both for a long time.

One remarkable day I was sitting at the wall facing the dancers of a 5R event and I got the message the universe was sending me all along. There are always some bumps in different dancing paths, but the only dancing path that was really enfolding right before my eyes was the Movement Medicine path.  So I embraced it.

And life got on teaching me Movement Medicine. So here I stand now as a teacher of this knowledge, sharing it with all that have affinity to it and embrace it.

And I am grateful life got on and on and showed me the path along.

I suggest to everyone to state 21 things to be grateful for evey day. I hope this will help you as it did me.